
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Garden update

So apparently I have a green thumb because my veggie garden has turned into a veggie jungle! I had no idea what I was doing when I started this garden, and it sure shows because I shouldn't have planted so many squash and zucchini plants in such a small planter box... The squash have taken over! I was able to harvest three little heads of lettuce, but they've since died off because the squash leaves have created too much shade for the lettuce to grow.

I've got tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, eggplant and zucchini all growing. Now I wait for them to be ready to eat!

My herbs are growing like gangbusters, too. I've had to freeze some basil because it is growing so big.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Backyard fun

We've been getting our hands dirty in the yard now that the sun has started to show its face in the Pacific Northwest. I've been wanting a garden for quite some time and after about two summers of dragging my feet, I finally have one!

The husband and I went to Home Depot and Lowe's and got all of our lumber/soil/tools/etc needed for the raised garden bed. It was really quite easy!

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Well hello... again!

It's time to blow the dust off this thing. I've been wanting to blog about my experiences as a mom, but it's only until now—10 months into the real deal—that I think I have the time and mental competency to put down in words my thoughts about parenting.

I say "real deal" because I was one of those lucky ones who have the easiest pregnancies ever. Morning sickness? Never heard of it. Gestational diabetes? None here. Extreme weight gain? Despite many Shamrock Shakes, notsomuch. Stretch marks? Noop.

I know, I know. It's ok to be mad at me.

So here we are. We're settling into routines and babyman is getting more independent. I can finally take a little time to myself to curl my hair, make a fabulous dinner and partake in some of my hobbies. We'll see how far I can get with the blog this time around.